Will Bartlett

Stop writing boring, waste-of-time stories

Discover how to write exciting stories that convert your audience into BELIEVERS who know you’re the ONE PERSON who can SAVE THEM from their problems and deliver them to the PROMISED LAND.

I’m Will Bartlett.It's my job to build and market businesses so they continue to grow for years (or even decades).There's no ONE SECRET. There’s no persuasion trick, must-have app, or advertising method that is going to guarantee success.But the plan I’ve developed has reliably grown my clients’ companies. And my own.By copying me, you’ve got a chance to save yourself a lot of stress and build a long-term moat that ensures your business isn’t just a flash in the pan.All of this is available only on my email list.Ready?

If it looks like this is my wedding day... that's cause it is. I don't take pictures often, so this is the best you'll get.

Reason #1 to Join my Email List:

My Methodology Will Help You Sell More Today

You’ve probably seen lots of people invoke storytelling as the key to good selling.But what stories should you tell?Which events do you keep in?How do you make sure the story lands well?The people talking about stories can’t answer basic questions about what, why, or how. Leaving you completely in the dark when it comes time to use those stories to make money.I was tired of seeing people screw this up time and time again. Especially when I knew them in person and knew they had stories that were great proof of their competence and trustworthiness.So I created this course for you.It’s called Write Exciting Stories So That People Like You and Buy From You.You don’t need a copywriter to tell your story. You don’t need to rip stories from Reddit. You’ve already got one.And this story will multiply the value of all the work you do.Sign up to get my free course on selling with your story, and within a week, you’ll be telling stories that sell you, your product, and your brand with way more efficacy.This is a hyper-practical crash course that will change how you market your business, making everything easier for you.

Reason #2 to Join my Email List:

You’re Trying to Do What I’ve Already Done

My copy has sold tens of millions of dollars worth of products and services.I’ve been responsible for helping 10+ businesses get started and break through the $100K mark.And 80% of my client income is from clients who have been with me for a year or more.If you want to keep trading time for money in your business, that's fine.But if you want a scalable business that allows you to make more while working less, the lessons I can teach you will save you years of mistakes.My clients still have to work hard… but because of the systems we set up and the copy I wrote for them, that hard work goes WAY further.To get here, I had to spend almost a decade in the marketing trenches.It's not like this was part of my plan.My life was going well. I was earning good money at my job and leading a comfortable life... when I got the proverbial punch in the face.My team was about to be poached to go to another company. It meant a significant pay increase and more commissions for me, so I was PSYCHED.When the day came, I packed up all the junk in my desk and brought it all home.Then I waited.At 8pm that night, I got the email:"Hey, we're actually not moving companies."My boss, who had been negotiating the whole thing, had gone to the director of our department and told him his plan to resign.This started counter-negotiations... which led to us staying.I'd put my faith in him, and now I looked disloyal for having packed my stuff up.I had no idea how this would affect my own stability at the company. I also had a bunch of personal stuff going on in my life that would be weird to mention here. I have zero hard feelings against my boss and we've stayed friends, but this was a wake-up call.My living was at stake and I couldn't trust others to make the best decision for me.My freelancing journey started the next day.Almost 10 years later, I've been able to earn a great living, travel the world with my now-wife, buy our dream home, and build a lifestyle that my friends describe as "32 y.o. retiree."All because I took control of my fate and built a business that could survive all the swings life could throw at me.The only way to get there is by having a well-designed business, superlative marketing, and a brand that makes your customers and clients unable to even contemplate buying from your competition.And now I'm sharing the strategies and tactics I've used to get my business and my clients' businesses to this point.

Reason #3 to Join my Email List:

Business Owners Trust Me and Love Working With Me

Jay Kurtz (@JayKurtz90)

Grady Teske (@GradyTeske)

Kevin Mackay (@KevinDMackay)

Mike Pavlish (@mike_pavlish)

Pedro Castenada (@PedroCastenada)

Harrison (NextCityLawyer.com)

Ali Cudby (AlignmintForGrowth.com)

Mark Derian (@joinanimus)

Peter McEwan (TheField.us)

Not only an incredible, high integrity copywriter but has a much more impressive skill...An ability to SEE your business better than you see it yourself - and to strategize how to scale it in an authentic way.Extremely rare.-Pat Stedman (The Dynamic Man)

I've had the pleasure of working with Will for over a year, and in that time, he's worked on some of our top performing ads of 2024. He's got a great ability to find creative angles in the financial niche, and I appreciate that he knows how to write mature copy that doesn't overhype. Thanks Will!-Bridget O'Leary (MarketWise)

“Over the last year and a half, Will wrote Facebook ads, lift notes, advertorials, and bullets to help me on several different projects. He’s a hungry, professional, and personable copywriter who’s not afraid of feedback and seemingly improves with every attempt.”Matt Rizvi (Rizvi Publishing)

“Will was incredibly easy to work with. From the personalized outreach he sent me to his intuitive understanding of what my company does to how quickly he handled edits, it was an easy process and my agency is the better for it.”-Steve Piper (Leadhub)

“Will was incredibly easy to work with. On top of being personable on the phone, he had a fast response time and incorporated all the feedback I gave him until the work had the exact feel I was aiming for.”-Lea Hermanns (POHA House)

We’re on a good track and I appreciate the writing that you’re doing. The guys keep commenting to me about how much they get out of the emails.Thank you, thank you, thank you!-Sarrah Rose (CEO on Fire)

“We needed conversion copywriting work done for a couple email nurture campaigns. Will worked with our tight deadlines, and nailed the voice and tone we were looking for.”-Pei En Thong (Instant Financial)

“Will is extremely knowledgeable about cryptocurrency and blockchain and did a great job of meeting deadlines that fit into our overall project development.”-Davide Carmeci (BeyondSkills)

“Thank you very much, Will. Great job!”–Tee Dos Santos (SocialWay Creative)

As a small business owner who thinks he’s way more helpful than everyone else in his niche put together, my biggest challenge is to communicate what sets me apart from all the other idiots out there (though I’m sure they’re very nice people). Will is the guy to help you do this. He reflects back to you what your business is and how you appear to others, which doesn’t always feel good, but it’s absolutely essential if you want your business to connect with and so help more people.-Mark Derian (Animus Empire)

A good coach will help you look past the day to day struggles to keep you focused on long term results.The day to day struggles do need to be discussed, but you do not sacrifice the long term on them.Coach will help with both.Will is a great option to speed up progress.-Dustin Newman (Original Oil)

“I hired Will after having a bad experience with a previous writer. I always hope I can just hire someone and they “get it”. William was able to write thoughtful and persuasive email copy for me. He “got it”. He was able to take my project and run with it with very little instruction from me and produced great results.”-Spencer Haws (FBA Master)

Working with Will has been great! He makes things easy, listens to me thoroughly and has a talent for writing through my voice. I would highly recommend him for both long and short copy projects. Thanks Will!-Dino Watt (Dino Watt Coaching)

Will always delivers high-quality work and he understands crypto better than any copywriter I've dealt with.-Jonah Mirsky (Secure Digital Markets)

Reason #4 to Join my Email List:

You’re Running Out of Time

Business is changing fast.I won’t disrespect you by blathering on with some rant about how AI is going to take all the jobs or whatever… but we are heading toward a degree of economic fragmentation that will require you to find your tribe and provide them with something awesome.You can’t win everyone, but you can build a stable business that is robust to outside forces.This is what I aim to help every one of my clients do.My email list is a place — a compound, if you will — where we can share these ideas and work on what is necessary to really, truly crush it.These ideas will help anyone who's had moderate success in business but doesn't know how to keep it going.You'll learn how to maximize your luck, consistently find new clients, and build a long-term plan for your steadily growing business.

Ready to start effortlessly selling?

Enter your email below and I'll share my course on storytelling with you.Done right, your story could build an unbeatable bond with your market that makes them want to buy from you and only you.This is a step-by-step course that requires only 15 minutes of your time daily. After a week, you'll have an asset that will earn you more sales... forever.Get it below, free.

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